(Juneau) – Wednesday, Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy amended his Executive Proclamation convening the Thirty-Second Legislature into a fourth special session, which will now be held on October 4, 2021, at 2:00 p.m.
The Governor’s proclamation was further amended to add specific items for the Legislature to consider, including a supplemental appropriation for the 2022 Permanent Fund Dividend.
“Alaskans rightly expect their government to pay its bills and follow the law, especially when it comes to their dividend,” said Governor Dunleavy. “We must either follow the law and change the law when it comes to managing the state’s finances, but we cannot ignore the law. This special session is one more chance this year to appropriating a dividend amount that is fair to Alaskans.”
Governor Dunleavy’s amended proclamation also contains elements of a full fiscal plan, including constitutionally protecting the Permanent Fund Dividend. The Governor introduced these items based on a recent report from a bipartisan legislative working group tasked with offering solutions to the state’s longstanding fiscal challenges.
“I applaud a group of Alaskans that represent the most diverse regions and political constituencies in the state coming together and agreeing on an important starting point,” said Governor Dunleavy. “My hope is this fourth special session takes those recommendations seriously so the people of Alaska have confidence in their government to operate predictably and assuredly.”
The session will convene in the state Capitol Building in Juneau.
A signed copy of the amended Executive Proclamation can be found here.