Alaska's Governor Parnell yesterday filed an Omnibus Crime Bill with measures for providing stronger protections for victims and survivors, penalty reinforcement for sex trafficking, stronger investigative tools for tracking down and prosecuting offenders, and strengthening sentencing provisions.
“We will not stop until all Alaskans are safe,” Governor Parnell said. “Our message is loud and clear – the penalties for hurting Alaskans are only going to get tougher. We will continue to expand protections to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.”
This new bill will provide further protection for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault from further trauma, the bill will expand Alaska’s rape shield law to apply to victims of sex trafficking. The governor’s bill also authorizes the court to order GPS tracking devices on perpetrators with protective orders, and gives the victims of trafficking the ability to qualify for benefits from the Violent Crimes Compensation Board.
Included as well is amendments to current statutes that clarify that probation/parole officers may not engage in sexual conduct with any persons under their supervision. It also prohibits contact between persons in custody and their victims and does away with the statute of limitations on crimes of child pornography or trafficking.
The bill will also permit the state to require individuals who gain the services of underage prostitutes to register as sex offenders. It will also allow the state to seize any property used in the commission of these types of crimes. The bill also would allow for the interception of private communications in sex trafficking cases.