ANCHORAGE — The Governor's Annual Awards for Emergency Medical Services were announced at the state Emergency Medical Services Symposium today. The awards, sponsored by the Alaska Council on Emergency Medical Services, will be presented at the 36th Annual Governor’s Alaska EMS awards banquet at the EganConvention Center on Saturday, Nov. 12, at 8 p.m.
Award recipients are:
Consumer/Citizen Award: Dan Stang, DDS, Nome — In recognition of his quick life-saving actions that saved the life of a friend who had been attacked by a grizzly bear.
EMS Provider Awards: Brianne Gologergen, ETT, CHA and Danielle Reynolds, ETT, CHA, Savoonga — In recognition of their life-saving care to a patient with a gunshot wound in December 2010.
EMS Educator Award: Randy Churchill, Wrangell — In recognition of his 20 years of service as an EMS educator with the Wrangell Volunteer Fire Department, during which he created a junior firefighter program that has become a model for fire departments in other communities.
EMS Administrator Award: David Rockney, MICP, Fairbanks — In recognition of his EMS advocacy and leadership as training coordinator for the Interior Region EMS Council and as assistant chief of the Steese Volunteer Fire Department.
Melissa Ann Peters Memorial Award: Julie Marie Anderson, RN, MICP, Haines — In recognition of her contributions to EMS education to the Haines Volunteer Fire Department, and her service as a valuable bridge between field and clinic EMS operations.
George H. Longenbaugh Memorial Award: Leslie Wood, M.D., Sitka — In recognition of her tireless advocacy for the EMS community and all first responders.
Outstanding Ambulance Service Award: North Tongass Volunteer Fire Department – Dave Hull, Chief, Ketchikan — In recognition of the compassionate care they provide to patients both during and after emergency response, and for their support to their community.
Special Commendation: Mike Dolph, EMT-III, Kodiak — In recognition of his implementation of far-reaching system improvements to the EMS program on Kodiak Island during his 36 years as a member of the board of directors of the Southern Region EMS Council and as fire chief for the City of Kodiak.