Juneau, Alaska – The Alaska House of Representatives passed a bill by Rep. Paul Seaton to continue to adjust the state’s defense plans against aquatic invasive species, like “rock snot” and “sea vomit.”
House Bill 38 provides direction to relevant state agencies, the Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, the Dept. of Environmental Conservation and the Dept. of Natural Resources. Under the bill, agencies would be required to coordinate responses, while leaving the authority in each case up to the proper jurisdiction, like ADF&G for undersea, or DNR for lands.
“We’re being proactive in protecting our unique and world class environment from the growing threats of aquatic invasive species,” said Seaton, R-Homer. “We’re saying ‘prioritize invasive species actions over any other management goal.’ The threats to our ecosystem are real and we’re taking them seriously with this bill.”[xyz-ihs snippet=”adsense-body-ad”]
Rock snot, or Didymosphenia geminate (Didymo), is a diatom that is a nuisance in cold water rivers and streams. Sea Vomit, or Didemnum vexillumis (Dvex), is an aggressive tunicate that grows rapidly with no known predators. Dvex releases harmful toxins that smother the substrate. A recent outbreak occurred in Whiting Harbor near Sitka.
HB38 establishes a fund for ADF&G to quickly address outbreaks. The rapid response goal also is aided by the bills’ inclusion of language allowing for chemical, biological, mechanical, or physical methods of dealing with invasive species. Other provisions provide a ‘hold harmless’ clause for state leases, consideration of affected private property owners, and expedited review of plans.
“Our billion dollar commercial fishing, mariculture and recreational fishing industries are too important,” said Seaton. “We don’t want to treat these very real threats like a bad Hollywood B Movie where the creature from the black lagoon can rise out of the sludge. We’re going to kill the sludge before it can wreak havoc on our environment.”
HB 38, which passed by a vote of 26-7, now moves to the Alaska Senate.