Hydaburg Man Arrested after Breaking Down Door, Threatening with a Splitting Maul

domestic violenceThe Hydaburg Village Public Safety Officer responded to a report of a Hydaburg man breaking into a home with a splitting maul and threatening the people inside early on Tuesday morning, the trooper dispatch reported.

The VPSO responded to the scene at 6:30 am after receiving a “report of an individual attempting to break down the front door of a residence with a splitting maul,” it was revealed. When the officer arrived at the residence, he contacted 51-year-old Richard Carle, who was “highly intoxicated and combative.”

The investigation found that Carle had started a disturbance inside the residence earlier that morning, but family members were able to get him outside then lock the doors. The report went on to state that “Carle then smashed the door down with a splitting maul he found outside the residence. Once Carle had forced his way back inside the residence, he began threatening to kill both the family members present in the home while still wielding the maul.”

The officer attempted to place Carle under arrest, but Carle resisted arrest. The officer opted to use pepper spray, and was able to restrain Carle and place him in the patrol vehicle. It was also reported that as he was being arrested, Carle spit on the officer, and once in the back of the vehicle, broke the partition between the front and back seats.

Carle was charged with Assault III DV x2, Criminal Mischief IV DV, Criminal Mischief V, Resisting Arrest, and Harassment I. He was remanded to the Craig Jail Facility and held without bail.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]

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