(Anchorage, AK) – On February 28, 2020, Superior Court Judge Michael Wolverton sentenced 39-year-old Jeremy D. Strunk to serve 40 years on multiple counts of Sexual Abuse of a Minor in the First Degree.
According to Assistant District Attorney Betsy Bull, who prosecuted the case, the evidence established that Strunk sexually abused three minor victims over the course of a decade. Authorities arrested Strunk in 2018 as part of “Operation Broken Heart,” which was a nation-wide investigation that led to more than 2,300 arrests. Following Strunk’s arrest, APD detectives learned that there were at least two additional victims. ADA Bull asked the court to accept the parties’ agreed-upon sentence of 50 years with 10 years suspended in order to isolate Strunk from society so that he cannot continue to commit these crimes.
Judge Michael Wolverton agreed and sentenced Strunk to serve 50 years with 10 years suspended. He recognized that the court will never truly know the deep impact of these crimes on the victims. Additionally, Strunk will be required to register as a sex offender for the remainder of his life and, once released, he will spend an additional 10 years on felony probation.
The Anchorage District Attorney’s Office thanks the Anchorage Police Department, particularly Detective Jack Kleinsmith with the Crimes Against Children Unit and each of the victims for having the courage to come forward.