A commuter ferry owned by Sea Streak Ferry, came in a little fast at Pier 11 at South Street and Gouverneur Lane in Manhattan this morning and crashed as it was docking.
The accident occurred at 8:45 am Wednesday morning as the ferry was on its daily service run from Atlantic Highlands and Conners Highlands in New Jersey to Lower Manhattan. There were approximately 300 people on the ferry when it made it unceremonious entrance to the doock this morning according to the president of the ferrry company, James Barker.
The collision was much like one would feel in a moderate car crash, the impact tore a sizeable gash into the side of the vessel and threw many of the passengers from their seats.
According to police and fire officials, between 30 and 50 people were injured in the impact. Rescue personnel carried many of the injured from the ferry on stretchers and staged them on the pier where some were treated on the spot and others were transported to area hospitals for their injuries.
One person is in critical injures after suffering head injuries in the crash.