A Mississippi man, 87-year-old Walter "Snowball" Williams, was declared deceased on Wednesday night after his hospice nurse as well as a family member reported him dead. The coroner and a Holmes County funeral home was called and responded to the scene to retrieve his remains at 9 pm. But, his death was short-lived.
Williams was declared deceased by the coroner at the scene, Dexter Howard. He was placed in a body bag, and transported to the Porter and Sons Funeral Home and taken to the embalming room where they began preparations to ready his remains for his funeral. But then to everyon’s surprise and astonishment, William’s began kicking in the body bag. The bag was unzipped and it was found that WIlliams was breathing.
An ambulance was immediately called and Williams was rushed to the hospital, where he was hooked up to monitors which showed that Williams, in fact, had a heartbeat, and was still alive and kicking.
Williams, nick-named “Snowball,” because he was born in a rare Mississippi snowstorm, was surrounded by family that declared his resurrection a miracle. Williams was weak, but talking. He says that he thought he was asleep and has no memory of anything until waking up in the hospital.
The coroner says in all the years that he has worked for the county, he has never seen anything remotely like it. He surmised that Williams’ pacemaker may have stopped working temporarily and began working again after being placed in the body bag, kick-starting his heart and bringing him back.
Williams, who suffers from old age,diabetes and high blood pressure, is reportedly on the mend, no worse for the experience.