WASHINGTON – The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) today announced its endorsement of Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski and Representative Don Young in their reelection bids this fall for the United States Senate and House of Representatives.
“Thanks to Sen. Murkowski and Rep. Young’s hard work on behalf of America’s civil servants, we at AFGE are proud to endorse them in their re-election bids this November,” said AFGE National President J. David Cox, Sr. “Working people in this country have fallen further and further behind, and this year’s election is our chance to turn it around. We’ll need supporters like Lisa Murkowski and Don Young in Congress to keep fighting the good fight,” added Cox.
During their combined 60 years representing the citizens of Alaska, Murkowski and Young have time and again stood by our civil servants. From Murkowski’s consistent support of the Department of Veterans Affairs to Young’s strong defense of federal employees’ basic rights, both will continue to serve their states well in a new term.
“AFGE is proud to endorse these two excellent public servants for reelection. Both have devoted their careers to public service, empowering our federal workforce, and they’ve spent years working to improve the lives of Alaska’s working families,” said AFGE National Vice President Gerry Swanke. Adding, “AFGE leaders in Alaska have built strong relationships with Young and Murkoski for many years. When federal employees work well with members of Congress, it makes a better Alaska and a better America.”[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]