Federal management results in new requirements for commercial drift gillnet vessels fishing in the Cook Inlet EEZ Area. Commercial fishing vessels must obtain a Federal permit, maintain a fishing logbook, have a vessel monitoring system (VMS) installed on their vessels, and comply with all other Federal regulations laid out in the final rule. Additionally, processors and buyers receiving deliveries of salmon commercially caught in the Cook Inlet EEZ Area must obtain a Federal permit, report deliveries using the eLandings system, and comply with all other Federal regulations laid out in the final rule. Recreational anglers and charter operators fishing for salmon in the Cook Inlet EEZ Area must check regulations established for Federal waters to ensure they are in compliance with bag and possession limits. To assist stakeholders in complying with these new regulations, NOAA Fisheries will hold two in person public meetings and one webinar at the following times and locations.
NOAA Fisheries developed this action to address a Ninth Circuit court ruling requiring Federal management of salmon fishing in the Cook Inlet EEZ Area in accordance with the Magnuson–Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act and a District Court ruling requiring publication of a final rule for the management of the Cook Inlet EEZ Area by May 1, 2024. NOAA Fisheries developed this action after considering input from affected tribal communities and stakeholders. It adheres to all Magnuson-Stevens Act requirements. NOAA Fisheries made several changes in this final rule as a result of public comment on the proposed rule. Most notably, the number of commercial fishing periods is adjusted to one per week between July 16 and July 31. Because some salmon stocks in Cook Inlet have continued to miss spawning escapement goals with only one commercial fishing period per week from July 16 to July 31, NOAA Fisheries determined that additional fishing periods would likely result in conservation concerns and early fishery closures. The rest of the commercial salmon fishing season in the Cook Inlet EEZ Area remains at two scheduled fishing periods per week. This action will be effective for the 2024 salmon fishing season in the Cook Inlet EEZ Area which for commercial fishing begins on June 20, 2024 at 7:00am Alaska local time.