AST opened an investigation into the break-in of the Nondalton Tribal Community building where a threatening note was left behind on July 20th, the trooper dispatch reported.
The note left at the scene of the break-in threatened “specific employees of the Nondalton Tribal Council, and their families,” troopers said. As the investigation progressed, troopers were led to 27-year-old Butch Hobson. Troopers say that Hobson “engaged in a course of conduct that consisted of repeated non-consensual and threatening contacts that placed the tribal employees in fear of their own personal safety and that of their families.”
Upon his arrest on August 3rd, Hobson admitted to the break-in. As a result, Hobson was charged with Burglary II, Criminal Mischief III, and two counts of Stalking II.
Nondalton, with its approximately 160 residents, is located on the west shore of Six Mile Lake on the Alaska Peninsula.