Alaska Wildlife troopers shot a nuisance bear in Juneau on Monday night after it raided a chicken coop then charged the officer, the trooper dispatch reported.
A call went out to the Juneau police at 7:51 pm reporting a brown bear killing chickens on Randall Road. A wildlife trooper nearby responded to the call.
When the trooper arrived, the bruin was still in the chicken coop. When the officer approached, the bear charged the trooper and the trooper opened fire. The brown bear went down about 15-feet from the trooper.
The Alaska Wildlife Troopers “would like to remind owners of chicken coops and livestock that bears view these items as food sources, and as such, owners should take appropriate steps to prevent bears from accessing them, such as an electrified fence. Owners of chicken coops or livestock can contact their local Alaska Department of Fish & Game office for further information or ideas for preventing interactions with bears.”[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]