Late Saturday evening at 9:45 pm, a REDDI report was called in to the Alaska State Troopers in Soldotna on a white PT Cruiser in the Gaswell Road area.
The troopered located the vehicle on Jan Road. Before the troopers could initiate their emergency lighting, the vehicle came to a stop in the middle of the road ahead of them.
Troopers contacted the driver, who they identified as 40-year-old Billie Jo Cubley of Seward. The driver was found to be operating under the influence of alcohol, she was also found to be on felony probation for a prior possession offense. She was arrested for DUI and Petition to Revoke Felony Probation.
There were two other individuals in the vehicle. The first, 40-year-old Kasilof resident Kenneth Beam, was found to have outstanding warrants for his arrest. The second, 28-year-old Seward resident Brandon Armburst was found to be on Felony Probation.
A pill bottle with three dime baggies of a crystal-like substance that tested positive for methamphetamine was found in the vehicle’s glove compartment. The search was immediately stopped, and the vehicle was seized and transported to the investigative impound in Soldotna.
All three were arrested and transported to Wildwood Pretrial where they were remanded with no bail.
The trooper investigation into the incident is continuing.