On Wednesday, Alaska State Troopers were notified of an incident taking place in Nanwalek.
It was reported that a 58-year-old Nanwalek resident, Charles Moonin, had assaulted a family resident in that community.
The report further stated that Moonin had threatened to kill himself and was walking aroound the village armed with a shotgun. That news prompted the school in the community to be contacted and the school put on lock-down.
That further news prompted an immediate response from the troopers and troopers flew into Nanwalek from Homer.
When troopers arrived in the village, their investigation showed that Moonin, in fact had not been walking around the village with a firearm, and the school was released from lock-down.
Even so, Moonin was arrested by troopers, according to their dispatch, and was transported to the Homer Jail and remanded there on charges of Assault IV-Domestic Violence.
Moonin is due to be arraigned on the charges in the Homer Court Thursday afternoon.
The community of Nanwalek, with its population of approximately 180, is located on the southern Kenai Peninsula 35 miles from Homer. The name Nanwalek means “place by the lagoon” in Alutiiq. The community is a mix of Russian and Suspiaq. The community’s original name was Alexandrovsk when it was a Russian trading post during the time Russia owned what is now Alaska. That name was changed to English Bay in later years, but was once again changed, this time to its present name, in 1991.