IOWA-A new ad is showing in Iowa this week as the Republican Caucus inches closer and closer to the poll date. This newest, released by Mitt Romney, promises to shrink government and do away with the Obama administration's healthcare law.
This new ad, “Conservative Agenda,” shows Romney talking to voters in a diner as well as him touring factories in the state. In the ad, Romney promises to streamlline the federal government.
Romney says in the ad, “I’m going to do something to government. I’m going to make it simpler and smaller and smarter. Getting rid of programs, turning programs back to states, and finally, making government itself more efficient.” He went on to say, “It’s a moral imperative for America to stop spending more money than we take in. The experience of balancing budgets is desperately needed in Washington and I will take it there.”
Negative ads against other Republican candidates has been tabled until after the holiday weekend. This to not risk offending christian conservatives in the state.