The attack on the campaign of Newt Gingrich is continuing today as supporters of Mitt Romney are coming out publicly about their opinions on his ability to lead.
Today, former governor of New Hampshire, John Sununu said today in a conference call to reporters, “The off-the-cuff comment, for example, that Gingrich throws out on occasion is a reflection on the off-the-cuff thinking that he goes through to deal with issues” Sununu went on to comment, “That is not what you want in a commander in chief.” Sununu also attacked Gingrich’s criticism of U.S. Representative Paul Ryan’s plan for Medicare reform. “This is the time in the campaign where issues will be contrasted with the coming candidates, not just contrasting styles, but contrasting issues like entitlement reforms and the things talked about in the debates,” said Sununu.
Sununu has been in attack mode since last weekend, when he told the Boston Herald, “Gingrich has a really liberal record that may catch up with him … Conservatives will quickly realize that if they’re backing Gingrich, they’re backing a big-government politician.”
Another supporter of Romney’s, the former senator from Missouri, Jim Talent, had this to say, “He is not a reliable or trustworthy leader, he also says outrageous things that come out of nowhere, and come at a time when they most undermine the conservative agenda.”
Their comments and statements come at a time that Mitt Romney’s campaign is reeling by the sudden surge that Newt Gingrich has made in the campaign for the Republican nomination for the 2012 presidential elections.
In an attempt to contrast his lifestyle to that of Gingrich, the Romney campaign released their newest ad for Romney. The ad tries to highlight his wholesome family background. The ad plays on the fact that Gingrich has been through three marriages.
Also, the “Super PAC” “Restore our Future” announced this morning that they were spending $3.1 million on TV and radio ads over the next three weeks supporting Romney in his Iowa bid.
The stepped up attacks on Gingrich come after a Wednesday revelation that Gingrich now has a commanding lead in Iowa, as well as Florida and South Carolina. Gingrich has also closed the gap considerably in New Hampshire. Romney has always considered New Hampshire his turf.