Do you have kids or students craving online games? Then NOAA’s Planet Arcade is the perfect place for today’s young gamers to experience the world of science through gaming, especially over the holidays and school breaks.
The arcade is a portal to 26 educational games and interactive activities — all focused on ocean science and the environment. Featured games include:
Where the Ocean Meets the Sea: Work with a river otter named Oscar to restore a polluted estuary .
Sea Turtles and the Quest to Nest: Help loggerhead sea turtles with the many environmental challenges they face in — and out— of the water.
Severe Weather Preparedness Adventureoffsite link: Find out how to be ready for the next time you encounter phenonmena such as lightning, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and winter storms
Visit to play today!
Source:NOAA [xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]