For the 103rd time since 1887, Punxsutawney Phil spoke to his inner core of handlers in Gobbler’s Knob in “Groundhogese” following the early morning ceremonies that began well before daylight and had them inform the world that he had seen his shadow, and so we must endure another six weeks of winter.
Just prior to his annual prognostication, Phil was helped to his stump by his tophat and tuxedo-clad Punxsutawney Groundhog Club Inner Circle and the President of the club, with the use of the magical acacia cane, interpreted Phil’s prediction.
Punxsutawney Phil’s observation came today despite a weather report forecasting a cloudy, shadowless day. It should be known that Phil’s prediction of six more weeks of winter has happened 103 times in the tradition’s 132-year history. Through his long-lived life, which is aided by his favorite drink of “Groundhog Punch,” Phil has only predicted an early Spring 18 times. There were ten years when his prediction has not been recorded.
The Groundhog Day tradition was brought to America from Europe, and German settlers in Pennsylvania began celebrating the day in the 19th century, substituting that traditional hedgehog for a Groundhog.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]