A Petersburg man was convicted on five counts that elated to making false statements on state sport hunting/fishing licenses as well as a commercial crew members license on November 18th.
An investigation had been opened by the Alaska Wildlife Troopers previously, and that investigation revealed that Wesley Davis had purchased 2013 and 2014 residential sport licenses when he was in fact ineligible for those licenses. Davis had also purchased a 2014 commercial license claiming residential status.
During that time, Davis was found to have killed two Black Bear without having purchased non-resident locking tags as required by law.
As a result of his conviction, Davis was sentenced on five counts with fines that totaled $7,550. Of that $7,550, $3,675 was suspended. Davis was also ordered to pay restitution for the taking of the two Black Bear in the amount of $1,200.
Further, Davis lose his privilege to sport hunt and fish for one year. He also lost the privilege to fish commercially for two years. Davis also received two years probation.