Digging up Augustine’s Top-Heavy Legacy
Augustine Volcano sits alone, a 4,000-foot pyramid on its own island in Cook Inlet. Like many volcanoes, it has a tendency to become top heavy. When gravity acts on Augustine’s oversteepened dome, rockslides spill into the ocean. A scientist recently found new evidence for an Augustine-generated tsunami from a time when Egyptian pharaohs built their […]
Two Inmates Injure Anchorage Correctional Officer in Escape Attempt
Alaska State Troopers revealed on Tuesday that two inmates at the Anchorage Correctional Complex assaulted a guard in an attempt to escape the jail on Sunday night. According to the trooper dispatch, two inmates lured a correction officer to their cell under the pretext of needing toilet paper late Sunday night. After receiving their toilet […]
Augustine Volcano as Tsunami Generator
On Oct. 6, 1883, this entry was in the Alaska Commercial Company logbook at an English Bay trading post, located about 50 miles northeast of Augustine volcano: “This morning at 8:15 o’clock, 4 tidal waves flowed with a westerly current, one following the other . . . the sea rising 20 feet above the usual […]