A 34-year-old Lower Kalskag woman succumbed to serious injuries after a four-wheeler accident in Upper Kalskag on Saturday afternoon, the trooper dispatch reported Monday. A trooper investigation into the four-wheeler accident would reveal that 34-year-old Merna Spein was driving a 2008 Honda four-wheeler when she lost control of the vehicle. As a result, the four-wheeler […]
Alaska State Troopers believe that excessive speed was responsible for a Wasilla accident that took the life of a Wasilla man on Sunday afternoon. Troopers report on the trooper dispatch that they responded to a one vehicle accident on Bogard Road and the Seward Meridian Parkway at 2:28 pm on Sunday. When they arrived, they […]
A vehicle in a single-vehicle accident was deemed a total loss and the driver was transported to the Mat-Su Regional Medical Center for treatment of injuries after her vehicle rolled several times on the Parks Highway early on Tuesday afternoon. Troopers from the Talkeetna Post and the Bureau of Highway Patrol responded to the scene of […]
The State Medical Examiner’s office responded to a crash scene at mile 12 of Knik-Goose Bay Road and took possession of the remains of the victim of a fatal crash late Sunday afternoon as the investigation into the incident continues. Troopers had responded to a REDDI (Report Every Dangerous Driver Immediately) on Sunday. Callers reported […]