(Juneau, AK) – Tuesday night Governor Mike Dunleavy delivered his seventh State of the State address, at the Alaska Capitol Building. The speech highlighted progress Alaska has experienced in public safety, education, and energy security, as well as the Governor’s priorities to continue improving the quality of life for Alaskans in these essential areas. […]
WHITE HOUSE — In his farewell address from the Oval Office Wednesday evening, U.S. President Joe Biden warned of the dangers of the concentration of power and wealth, highlighting the emergence of an “oligarchy” and a “tech-industrial complex.” “The dangerous concentration of power in the hands of a very few ultra wealthy people, the dangerous […]
(Juneau, AK) – Tuesday evening, Governor Dunleavy delivered his 6th annual State of the State Address to a joint session of the Alaska State Legislature, outlining opportunities for a successful Alaska both present and future. “As long as I’m governor, I’m going to work to make sure that the Alaska dream is within reach […]
“Anyone who thinks that the only lesson to be learned was the need to improve what we were already doing, or to refine existing systems and regulations, is denying reality.” Vatican News/YouTube In his third encyclical Sunday morning, Pope Francis denounced free market capitalism and the “magic” theory of trickle-down economics, saying the coronavirus […]