A quick-thinking citizen and a Carrs employee were instrumental in identifying a shoplifting Anchorage man who was ultimately charged with Forgery I and Theft III on Sunday, APD reported on Tuesday. Patrol officers responded to the Carrs on Gambell in reference to a shoplifter at 1:31 pm on Sunday. When they opened an investigation and […]
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House of Representatives unanimously passed S. 756, the Save Our Seas Act, a bill to assist local communities and states in removing garbage and debris from our oceans and shores. House Oceans Caucus Co-Chairs Congressman Don Young (R-AK) and Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) introduced the bill, H.R. 2748, last year. […]
ANCHORAGE – Governor Walker signed Senate Bill 63 into law Tuesday morning at the Lucky Wishbone restaurant in downtown Anchorage. The bill, sponsored by Senator Peter Micciche, protects Alaskans by ensuring smoke-free workplaces and public places across the state. For outsiders, holding the signing at Anchorage’s most famous fried-chicken eatery might raise some eyebrows. But […]
Anchorage – Today, Alaska Governor Bill Walker signed House Bill 214 to name Alaska’s teen dating violence awareness and prevention program after Bree Moore who was killed in a senseless act of dating violence in 2014. Alaska’s in-school dating violence prevention program was first authorized in 2015 when the Alaska Legislature passed legislation to implement […]