The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) is forecasting the return of 51.28 million sockeye salmon into Bristol Bay in the summer of 2018, which would allow for a potential harvest of nearly 38 million reds in Bristol Bay and 1.49 million fish in the South Peninsula. A Bristol Bay harvest of that size […]
Commercial harvesters of Bristol Bay red king crab have been given a quota of 6.6 million pounds for the fishery that opens at noon on Oct. 15 – down 22 percent from the 2016-2017 quota. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game also announced on Oct. 3 closures this season of the Pribilof district red […]
DILLINGHAM, AK – The Environmental Protection Agency will host public hearings this month as part of its consideration of whether to withdraw protections for Bristol Bay’s watershed and world-class fishery. Following last year’s election and the appointment of new EPA leadership, the Pebble Limited Partnership and EPA brokered a deal which may rollback the proposed […]
ANCHORAGE, AK – Monday in Anchorage, close to 200 Alaskans gathered in the pouring rain to show their opposition to Pebble Mine. The rally was held outside the Captain Cook Hotel in downtown Anchorage, where the Pebble Limited Partnership’s “advisory committee” planned to hold a private meeting about how to build a mine at the […]