An analysis of Alaska’s 2015 Bristol Bay sockeye salmon season released on Nov. 16 notes the dramatic drop in prices paid to harvesters, along substantial decline in Bristol Bay driftnet permit values. The report prepared by the McDowell Group in Juneau, Alaska, for the Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association said that there is a […]
Statewide Alaska commercial deliveries of wild salmon pushed to nearly 10 million fish by June 30. It’s early yet, and while the sockeyes showing up are smaller than usual, the return of king salmon so far are better than in recent years, according to Forrest Bowers, deputy director of commercial fisheries for the Alaska Department […]
Purse seine herring harvesters in Togiak in Southwest Alaska netted more than 18,017 tons of fish through May 10, in a fishery including six gillnetters and 16 purse seiners, said biologists with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Since only two companies were purchasing gillnet fish, the gillnet harvest is confidential, biologists said. The […]
A chemical signature recorded on the ear bones of Chinook salmon from Alaska’s Bristol Bay region could tell scientists and resource managers where they are born and how they spend their first year of life. This bone, called an otolith, accumulates layers as a fish grows, similar to trees. These “growth rings” are produced throughout […]