Dillingham, AK- Wednesday, Senators Joe Manchin (WV) and David Vitter (LA) reintroduced legislation (SB 54) that would eliminate from the Clean Water Act a provision that authorizes EPA to limit or restrict discharge of dredged or fill material from mining deposits into waters of the United States. The provision, commonly known as 404(c), gives the […]
On Tuesday, in a video posted online, President Obama announced his plan to designate Bristol Bay as off-limits to oil and gas leasing. With this decision, Obama has safeguarded the rich fishing waters in the south Bering Sea that provides the country with 40% of the wild-caught seafood and provides a $2 billion a year […]
Dillingham, AK – After hearing over an hour of oral argument Monday morning, District Court Judge H. Russell Holland ordered a temporary injunction to assess Pebble’s claims that EPA’s use of its Watershed Assessment Plan violated aspects of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. In his oral ruling Monday, Judge Holland referred to Pebble’s Complaint as failing to comply […]
DILLINGHAM, AK – Bristol Bay’s communities submitted over 1,500 written comments supporting the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed restrictions to protect the waters of Bristol Bay from mines like Pebble. During the public hearings, over 85% of in-region testimony supported Clean Water Act protections and passionately communicated to EPA that mines like Pebble would pose significant […]