ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Coast Guard Marine Safety Task Force (MSTF) members partnered with Alaska Army National Guard and Civil Air Patrol flight crews today in Anchorage for a Bristol Bay marine safety deployment in support of the region’s 2021 commercial salmon fishing season. An Alaska Army National Guard aircrew flew Coast Guard members aboard a C-12J […]
KODIAK, Alaska – The crew of Coast Guard Cutter Alex Haley returned to homeport in Kodiak, Alaska, following a 50-day deployment throughout the Bering Sea, Thursday. The crew patrolled over 6,300 miles throughout the Aleutian Islands and Bristol Bay, and provided search and rescue coverage for approximately 890,000 square miles in the Bearing Sea.The Alex […]
DILLINGHAM, AK – Thursday’s news that the Pebble Limited Partnership (PLP) filed an unfounded appeal of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) permit denial is just the latest in a long saga of the company’s disgraceful attempts to push their unwanted toxic mine on Bristol Bay. In late 2020, the USACE rightfully determined […]
In a surprise decision on Wednesday, the Corps of Engineers abruptly denied a permit for the southwestern Alaska gold and copper mega-mine. The Corps determined that “the applicant’s plan for the discharge of fill material does not comply with Clean Water Act guidelines” and concluded that “the proposed project is contrary to the public interest.” […]