Dear Neighbors, Today, for the second time, the Alaska House of Representatives failed to fund a new capital appropriations bill that allows Alaska to receive hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funding. The funding for the bill failed Monday by a single vote. Senate Bill 2002 also included the much talked about “reverse […]
‘There is still a chance to pass this budget, which is absolutely essential to our citizens and economy’ JUNEAU – Sunday, all 23 members of the Alaska House Majority voted to pass legislation that would fund the capital budget ahead of a key July 31 deadline, part of an effort to prevent the state […]
JUNEAU – Today, the Alaska State Senate passed a Capital Budget unanimously for the second time this year. The Capital Budget, Senate Bill 2002, now heads over to the House of Representatives for consideration. The capital budget is vastly similar to the bare bones version that passed June 13, 2019, which was vetoed by […]
Anchorage, Alaska – Today, the ACLU of Alaska filed suit against Governor Dunleavy to block his administration’s attempt to punish the Alaska Court System by vetoing $334,700 in its 2020 budget because the Alaska Supreme Court ruled in a manner at odds with his political views. This veto is an impermissible exercise of executive […]