The Norton Sound winter commercial crab fish is on hold for lack of buyers, and an area fishery group is calling for the closure of the fishery for 2020 for conservation purposes. The board of the Norton Sound Economic Development Corp. (NSEDC) on Monday, Feb. 10, urged the Alaska Department of Fish and Game […]
U.S. President Donald Trump is supporting efforts to tighten federal background checks on gun buyers in the aftermath of last week’s shooting massacre of 17 people at a Florida high school, the White House said Monday. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Trump spoke last week with Texas Republican Senator John Cornyn about […]
A conservative advocacy group in the U.S. became the first group Tuesday to sue to block President Barack Obama’s executive order calling for more background checks for gun buyers. Freedom Watch, which frequently contests actions taken by the Democratic president, contends that Obama did not have the legal authority to expand the government’s background checks […]