“If we want to avoid catastrophic climate change, the highest priority must be to reduce CO2 pollution to zero at the earliest possible date.” New data released Monday showed atmospheric carbon dioxide reached a monthly average level of 419 parts per million in May, which is not only the maximum reading ever recorded since accurate measurements […]
The loss of glaciers worldwide enhances the breakdown of complex carbon molecules in rivers, potentially contributing further to climate change. University of Alaska Southeast Professor of Environmental Science Eran Hood was part of an international research team led by the University of Leeds that has for the first time linked glacier-fed mountain rivers with higher […]
Ice that floats on far-north oceans has been dwindling the last few years. Scientists have described the shrinking of this solar reflector — once bigger than Russia and now taking up less space than Australia — as a breakdown of the world’s refrigerator. But a group of researchers have found a sliver of good news […]
Overlooked carbon source contributes to local coastal ecosystems A previously unknown, significant source of carbon discovered in the Arctic has National Science Foundation-funded scientists surprised — and concerned about what it may mean in an era of climate change. In a Nature Communications paper, chemists and hydrologists from The University of Texas at Austin and other institutions present evidence […]