Glaciers worldwide are withering. Half of them will disappear by the end of this century, and much of the lost ice will vanish from mountains in Alaska, scientists say. Authors of a recent cover story in the journal Science used high-performance computers to predict the fate of 215,547 glaciers on Earth. They excluded the great […]
The Arctic Report Card, a compilation of northern science by researchers from all over the planet — most of them doing work in Alaska — came out in mid-December at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union in Chicago. In summary, what smart people predicted in 2006, during the first report card press conference, […]
Narwhals are changing their migration patterns in response to pressure from changing Arctic climates, a new UBC report has found. Narwhals are the perfect Arctic animal for a migration study. These culturally-significant whales are considered to be among the most sensitive Arctic marine mammals to the effects of climate change. They are thought to live […]
Thawing Arctic hillsides release a significant amount of organic carbon that has been locked in frozen ground for thousands of years but which now can contribute to an already warming climate, according to new research. The finding comes from the study of hillsides in a far north region of Russia, where the researchers also found […]