WASHINGTON—U.S. Senators Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski (both R-Alaska), and Representative Mary Peltola (D-Alaska), welcomed the announcement that the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) was selected by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to lead a consortium of U.S. academic institutions and other partners for a new Center of Excellence focused on Arctic research. The […]
ST. MARY’S — “Your left. Your left. Your left, right, left.” As a young girl, Tech. Sgt. Sharon Queenie remembers Guardsmen marching down the dirt road in Mountain Village with their ruck sacks strapped to their shoulders, singing cadences. A 20-mile stretch of road connects Mountain Village to Andreafski High School in St. Mary’s where […]
SITKA, March 13, 2020 – The SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium (SEARHC) Incident Command System (ICS) reconvened Wednesday to share information and update protocols in advance of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) potentially reaching Southeast. Late Thursday, March 12, State of Alaska Governor Dunleavy announced the first confirmed COVID-19 case in Alaska. SEARHC remains […]
SITKA, February 28, 2020 – While Alaska has yet to see any confirmed cases of the 2019 novel coronavirus, now known as COVID-19, the SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium (SEARHC) is closely monitoring information being provided by the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (ADHSS), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and other […]