The U.S. House of Representatives passed President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package that aims to provide relief to businesses, governments and millions of Americans whose lives have been upended by the coronavirus crisis. Lawmakers voted early Saturday along party lines in the Democratic-controlled House, passing the measure by a vote of 219–212. The […]
DHSS today announced 112 new people identified with COVID-19 in Alaska. 102 were residents in: Anchorage (34), Wasilla (27), Palmer (11), Fairbanks (9), Eagle River (4), Kenai (2), Tok (2) and Bethel, Cordova , Girdwood, Healy, Houston, Juneau, Kusilvak Census Area, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Nome, Nome Census Area, North Pole, Soldotna and Valdez. 10 new nonresident cases were identified yesterday in: Unalaska: one […]
DHSS today announced 190 new people identified with COVID-19 in Alaska. 149 were residents in: Wasilla (32), Anchorage (31), Fairbanks (23), Cordova (11), Palmer (10), Petersburg (10), Ketchikan (7), North Pole (4), Sutton-Alpine (4), Girdwood (3), Bethel Census Area (2), Chugiak (2), Eagle River (2), and one each in Delta Junction, Dillingham, Ester, Juneau, Nome, Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area, Soldotna and Unalaska. 41 new nonresident cases were identified […]
At a dog training center in Myakka City, Florida, Heather Junqueira, founder of BioScent, brings a four-year-old beagle, Noel, into a room with stainless-steel canisters, several containing samples of COVID-19. Noel springs into action as she tries to find the ones with a smell that she knows will earn her praise and dog treats. […]