Two men died as the result of a two-vehicle crash near mile 353 of the Richardson Highway, ASST revealed. Troopers responded to the scene on the highway at 6:30 pm on Thursday and opened an investigation and spoke to witnesses into the fatal crash after receiving calls reporting the collision. Their investigation revealed that the […]
A thrilling epoch in the exploration of our solar system came to a close today, as NASA’s Cassini spacecraft made a fateful plunge into the atmosphere of Saturn, ending its 13-year tour of the ringed planet. “This is the final chapter of an amazing mission, but it’s also a new beginning,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator […]
AST says that alcohol played a factor in the assault and destruction that a Port Heiden woman carried out in that village on Saturday. Troopers received an assault and dmage call at 12:02 pm on Saturday. Their investigation found that 34-year-old Melissa Lena Odomin got into a fight with her roommate and damaged items in […]
Alaska State Troopers say that recovery efforts are underway to retrieve a deceased pilot from a crash site near Chakachamna Lake west of Tyonek. AST reports that the Alaska Rescue Coordination Center picked up a 406 beacon from the aircraft 50 miles west of Tyonek at 10:47 pm on Wednesday night. RCC responded and located […]