(Anchorage) – Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy’s Executive Order 121, to divide the State’s largest department in two, has become law and takes effect July 1. The reorganization of the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) will create two smaller, more nimble departments focused on a more proactive approach to serving Alaskans. “Reorganization will create […]
Responding to soaring fuel prices, Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy seeks to give Alaskans a break at the pump by suspending State motor fuel taxes until next June. Friday morning, Governor Dunleavy asked the Alaska House of Representatives to consider his amendment to House Bill 104. “With rising inflation eroding the financial bedrock of Alaskan homes […]
(Juneau) – Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy issued this statement on the suspension of the right-of-way for the Ambler Access Project. “In February, the Department of Interior reopened an environmental impact statement for the Ambler Access Project that had undergone seven years of robust federal review and made a request to suspend the Ambler road right-of-way. […]
(Juneau) – As rising energy costs continue to drive up inflation, Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy calls, again, upon President Joe Biden to offer Americans relief by removing the federal roadblocks to domestic oil and gas production. “A gallon of gas in Anaktuvuk Pass is $9.95. Alaska is awash in energy, but not able to capitalize […]