EgyptAir Voice Recorder Point to Fire Aboard Aircraft

EgyptAir Voice Recorder Point to Fire Aboard Aircraft

The cockpit voice recorder recovered from EgyptAir MS804, the commercial flight that crashed into the Mediterranean Sea on May 19th indicates that the crew was attempting to put out a fire aboard the aircraft just prior to it going down, sources are reporting. Together with the flight data recorder, it shows that a possible fire […]

Black Box Signal Detected from EgyptAir Flight

Black Box Signal Detected from EgyptAir Flight

France’s Bureau of Investigations and Analysis, the agency responsible for that country’s air accident investigations, has confirmed that they have detected a signal coming from one of the black boxes from the ill-fated May 19th EgyptAir flight that crashed into the Mediterranean Sea on its scheduled flight from Paris to Cairo. BEA Director Remy Jouty […]

Greek Authorities Mistaken about Locating Debris from Missing Flight MS804

Greek Authorities Mistaken about Locating Debris from Missing Flight MS804

“Floating debris” from the missing EgyptAir MS804 was reported to have been located by Greek authorities on Thursday near the island of Karpathos the Greek Foreign ministry announced. But, those earlier reports were inaccurate and reports say that the debris was not from the airliner. The ill-fated flight plunged from 37,000 feet to 15,000 feet before […]