[wds id=”3″] On Sunday, watchstanders at Coast Guard Station Anchorage received a MayDay call on channel 16 on the VHF on Sunday reporting that the pilot of a Piper PA-18-150 had flipped his aircraft on its nose on a frozen lake on the Alaska Peninsula. An MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter was immediately launched from Air Station […]
The firn layers of the Greenland ice sheet might store less meltwater than previously assumed. Researchers from the USA, Denmark and the University of Zurich fear that this could lead to increased release of the meltwater into the oceans. The near-surface layers of the Greenland ice sheet are made up of snow that is […]
Cikusinaq – GlacierCikusinat urugcaurtut. – The glaciers are starting to melt. In the Alutiiq language, the term for glacier varies by region. Among Kodiak area Alutiiq speakers, the word is cikusinaq. The root of this word, ciku-, means ice, piece of ice, or iceberg. Add the suffix –sinaq, meaning large or great, and you get […]
Anchorage, Alaska – The Alaska Senate and House announced today that the Arctic Committees will meet later this week to continue efforts to implement the State’s Arctic Policy. The Senate Special Committee on the Arctic and the House Special Committee on Economic Development, Tourism & Arctic Policy will hold a joint meeting to go over […]