Fairbanks Residents Demand Democracy from Governor Dunleavy during His ‘Budget Show’
[dropcap]F[/dropcap]airbanks, Alaska — Several Fairbanks residents and members of Defend the Sacred AK disrupted Alaska Governor Michael J. Dunleavy’s budget “Road Show” sponsored and managed by Americans for Prosperity a group funded by the extreme conservative millionaire Koch brothers. They asked why the Governor was not addressing the approximately 500 Alaskans outside of the […]
Alaskans Show Unity in Protest to Closed Door Townhalls
Over 300 Alaskans show up to demand a fair and sustainable budget Anchorage- Tuesday, over 300 Alaskans showed up to protest against Governor Mike Dunleavy and Americans for Prosperity (AFP)Alaska’s private budget town hall. The lack of access to the Governor was a rallying point but the overarching sentiment from speakers and attendees was […]
Senate Democrats Offer More Public Venues for Governor Dunleavy’s Statewide Town Halls
JUNEAU – On Wednesday, Senator Donny Olson (D-Golovin) sent a letter to Governor Dunleavy offering to pay for the space at Old St. Joe’s in Nome so the Governor could hold a public town hall without private special interest funding and restrictions on Alaskans who attend. Following Sen. Olson’s lead, Senators Bill Wielechowski (D-Anchorage), […]