Alaska Sea Grant projects and programs produced over $8.5 million in economic benefits to the state last year, as reported to National Sea Grant. These benefits were the result of our work in marine safety training, seafood safety classes, seafood technology programs, professional consultations, and other activities. The creation and support of jobs and […]
Over $2.1 Million Awarded to Alaska Law Enforcement Agencies ANCHORAGE, Alaska – U.S. Attorney Bryan Schroder announced that $2,100,474 in grant funding has been awarded to multiple law enforcement agencies in Alaska, which allows those agencies to hire a combined total of 19 law enforcement professionals to help keep our communities safe. This is […]
Fifty fishermen from around the state gathered in Juneau in January for the eighth Alaska Young Fishermen’s Summit (AYFS) for three days of training, networking and interacting with the Alaska State Legislature. Participants of the Alaska Sea Grant event were self-selected or sponsored by their fishing organization, skipper or CDQ group and came from […]
Abstract submission extended through March 16. [pullquote] Deadline extended Call for abstracts DEADLINE March 16, 2020 [/pullquote] The Western Alaska Interdisciplinary Science Conference and Forum invites researchers to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations at our WAISC 2020 conference in Dillingham, Alaska. The conference will feature a wide range of discussions, networking opportunities, and exciting […]