A multiyear archival tagging study identified consistent seasonal and daily patterns of depth-specific behavior by Greenland turbot in Alaska. These new findings provide key information for sustainably managing this commercially valuable population in a changing environment. Migration and Management of Greenland Turbot Although Greenland turbot have been well studied in the Atlantic Ocean, relatively little is known about […]
First African evidence to support hypothesis of an asteroid impact that contributed to the extinction of large animals 12 800 years ago. Image: Map showing simular platuinum spikes throughout the globe. Credit: Francis Thackeray | Wit University A team of scientists from South Africa has discovered evidence partially supporting a hypothesis that Earth was struck […]
Leaving cloven hoofprints from the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, more than 3,500 muskoxen live in Alaska. All of those shaggy, curly-horned beasts came from one group of muskoxen that survived a most remarkable journey in the 1930s. In 1900, no muskoxen existed in Alaska. Though the stocky, weatherproof creatures have survived […]
HANOVER, N.H. – Surface meltwater draining through and underneath Greenland’s tidewater glaciers is accelerating their loss of ice mass, according to a Dartmouth study that sheds light on the relationship between meltwater and subglacial discharge. The findings appear in the journal Annals of Glaciology. A PDF is available on request. Greenland has the potential to […]