The Anchorage Police Department (APD) arrested 25 people during a two day undercover stolen vehicle sweep. It took place late last week with an intense focus on stolen vehicles and catching the suspects connected to the crime and related crimes such as drugs, mail theft, fraud and other property crimes. Three teams consisting of officers […]
First suicide attempts are more lethal than previously realized, reports a study of children and adolescentspublished in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (JAACAP). Seventy-one percent of youth dying by suicide did so on their first attempt, also known as the “index” attempt; the authors also found that firearms are implicated in 85 percent […]
APD reports that an Anchorage juvenile was arrested for making a veiled threat to fellow students at a local school on Wednesday. The department revealed that they opened an investigation after receiving calls reporting that a student had posted images of guns in a store gun case on Wednesday morning and then, in a social media […]
ANN ARBOR, Mich. – Parents’ to-do lists before traveling with toddlers this holiday season may include packing an emergency stock of snacks, activities and wardrobe changes. But what some may not plan for ahead of vacation: accidental poisoning risks, gun safety and Uber rides. A new report from the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s […]