Hatchery produced salmon contributed 47 million fish, or 21 percent of the total 2017 Alaska harvest, a catch worth an estimated $331 million first wholesale value and worth $162 million in ex-vessel value. This represents the lowest percentage of hatchery-produced fish in the harvest since 1995, according to the 2017 Alaska Fisheries Enhancement Report produced […]
A new market analysis of sockeye salmon produced for the Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association (BBRSDA) shows first wholesale prices of all major sockeye product forms increased in 2017, indicating strong demand. The latest Bristol Bay sockeye harvest was the second largest of the past two decades and resulted in the largest total ex-vessel […]
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) is forecasting the return of 51.28 million sockeye salmon into Bristol Bay in the summer of 2018, which would allow for a potential harvest of nearly 38 million reds in Bristol Bay and 1.49 million fish in the South Peninsula. A Bristol Bay harvest of that size […]
It’s no secret that human activities affect fish, particularly those that must migrate to reproduce. Years of building dams and polluting rivers in some regions have left fish such as salmon struggling to return to their home streams and give birth to the next generation. A new University of Washington study points to yet another […]