HOMER, Alaska – Coast Guard Cutter Aspen arrived at its new homeport in Homer, Alaska, Tuesday, following an extensive dry dock period. Aspen spent more than five months away from home and transited over 8,746 miles to its new homeport after a major maintenance availability (MMA) in Baltimore, Md. “We are happy to be back […]
(Homer) – The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) is liberalizing existing sport fishing regulations at the Nick Dudiak Fishing Lagoon and adjacent waters excluding the Homer Boat Harbor by opening this area to snagging beginning 12:00 p.m. (noon) Saturday, July 1 through 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, July 4, 2023. The areas open to snagging includes […]
Friday, U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan (both R-Alaska) applauded the National Telecommunications and Information Administration announcement of a $88.896 million infrastructure grant for Quintillion to build a multi-year subsea broadband project from Nome to Homer, Alaska. Once constructed and online, the Nome to Homer project will provide redundant middle mile backhaul capability for Alaska, […]
Anchorage – A federal grand jury in Alaska returned an indictment on April 21, 2023, charging a Homer man with unlawful transportation of four black bears and making false records in violation of the Lacey Act. According to court documents, Travis Larson, 47, of Homer, and his company Alaska Premier Sportfishing, LLC, were named as […]