Over a thousand progressive Jewish activists and allies on Tuesday shut down the entrances to ICE headquarters in Washington, D.C. to protest President Donald Trump’s treatment of migrants and demand the closure of the administration’s detention camps. As The Daily Beast reported, ICE employees “were forced to walk around the protesters, looking for ways to enter […]
WASHINGTON— The Center for Biological Diversity is suing the National Marine Fisheries Service today for failing to designate critical habitat in Alaska for two ice-seal species. Both bearded and ringed seals are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act because climate change is melting their Arctic sea-ice habitat. “Ice seals’ homes are melting […]
Photo: A hunter from Kotlik counted 18 dead seals along 11 miles of shore, north of Kotlik. Credit: Harold Okitkun/May 7, 2019. NOAA Fisheries is responding to several reports of unusually large numbers of dead ice seals along the coast of the Bering and Chukchi seas, in Alaska. At least 60 dead seals have […]
Image: Yakutat Glacier. Photo by Sam Herreid Not long ago, a glaciologist wrote that the number of glaciers in Alaska “is estimated at (greater than) 100,000.” That fuzzy number, maybe written in passive voice for a reason, might be correct. But it depends upon how you count. Another glaciologist saw an example of the confusion […]