Qanerluni (N); Qan’rluni (S) – Cursing / Cussing Katallrianga kesiin qanernilngua. (N); Katallrianga kesiin qan’rnilngua (S). – I fell but I didn’t cuss. Swearing is universal. Whether expressing anger, insult, shock, pain, or even pleasure, people worldwide have a tendency to use colorful terms. Profanity is popular, and it is probably as old as spoken […]
Although “nothing suspicious was observed” during the death investigation of a crew member aboard the Alaska Dream, a fishing vessel out of Kodiak, that was headed for fishing grounds at the south end of the island, the crew members remains were sent to the State Medical Examiner’s office in Anchorage for autopsy on Saturday. It […]
Ciqlluaq – Sod House Gui ciqlluami et’aarllianga. – I used to live in a sod house. Known today by the Russian word barabara, the tradition Alutiiq house was a sod and thatch-covered structure built partially underground (semi-subterranean). After digging a foundation pit, builders erected a post-and-beam framework and covered it with planks split from driftwood. […]
Kulutruaq – Labret Kulutruaq gua’i. – The labret is right here. Throughout Alaska, many Native people wore labrets: decorative plugs of bone and stone inserted through holes pierced in their cheeks and below their lips. Alutiiq men and women wore labrets singly or in pairs. At birth, babies were fitted with a tiny starter labret, […]