KODIAK — The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Alex Haley returned to homeport at Coast Guard Base Kodiak on Thursday, following an extended seven-month dry dock maintenance period in Seattle, Washington. While in dry dock, the crew and contractors successfully completed more than $6 million worth of repairs. The engineering department oversaw 76 work […]
KODIAK, Alaska – A Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak aircrew, forward-deployed to Cold Bay, medically evacuated a mariner from a vessel 220 miles south of Dutch Harbor, on Wednesday. The MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter aircrew hoisted the 44-year-old man from the 550-foot container ship FPMC 33 and safely transported him back to Cold Bay for a […]
Kodiak-based Alaska State Troopers were alerted to the discovery of a dead body and a truck in the ditch on the Chiniak Highway on Monday morning. Troopers responded to the location to the south of Kodiak at approximately 11:30 am and located the remains of 69-year-old James Graham lying face up alongside the road approximately […]
Ice Skate — Kungkiq, Kankiiq Cuumi kungkirtaallianga unuk nangpiarluku iraluwakan. – Before, I used to ice skate all night sometimes when the moon was out. By December, many of Kodiak’s small ponds are often frozen over, strong enough to support ice skaters. Alutiiq Elders recall the joy of skating. As youths, many had homemade ice […]