IRALUQ – MOON UNUGPAK IRALUQ TATARTUQ. – TONIGHT THE MOON IS FULL. In classical Alutiiq cosmology, there are five sky worlds, layered one on top of the other. The fifth sky world, farthest from earth, is the most pure. This is the home of Llam Sua, the Alutiiq supreme being. The first sky world, […]
UNUGTUARAA – FRAZER LAKE PISURYARTAALLRIIT UNUGTUARAAMEN. – THEY USED TO GO FRAZER LAKE TO HUNT. Frazer Lake is a long, narrow body of water surrounded by the steep mountains of south central Kodiak Island. It lies between Karluk Lake and Red Lake and drains south into Olga Bay through Dog Salmon Creek. Although home […]
A tsunami warning was issued by the National Tsunami Warning Center in Palmer following a heavy earthquake with a preliminary magnitude assessment of 7.5 that occurred 55 miles southeast of Sandpoint at 12:55 pm on Monday afternoon. The depth of the quake was at 25 miles along the Aleutian megathrust and occurred on the […]
PUYUQ – SMOKE MECUUSQANEK KENERQAT PUYURNARTUU’UT. – WET FIREWOOD IS VERY SMOKY. In Alutiiq communities, wood smoke is best known for its ability to flavor and preserve fish. Each family has its own special recipe for creating savory smoked salmon. Some rely on cottonwood, as both the bark and the wood of this widely […]