ISUWIQ – SEAL ISUWIQ PITURNIRTUQ. – THE SEAL TASTES GOOD. Kodiak’s sea mammals provided a variety of resources for Alutiiq people. Seals, sea lions, porpoises, and whales produced meat for food, oil for light, hides for boat coverings, and bone and sinew for tools. Harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) were particularly important, because they were […]
CUUTEQ – EAR CUUTENG’RTUQ ANGSQANEK. – HE HAS LARGE EARS. In classical Alutiiq society, people decorated their ears. Historic paintings and ancient drawings show both men and women wearing numerous strands of beads from their earlobes and the cartilage around the outer ears. Such jewelry helped to demonstrate a person’s identity—their family connections, age, […]
A Kodiak grand jury convened on Thursday and the Chiniak Highway head-on collision case involving Neal Skonberg was set before them. After hearing testimony, the jury returned a true bill and Skonberg was indicted on charges of MVC-I, DUI (alcohol, drugs), Reckless Driving, Tampering with evidence, Assault 2, Assault 3×2, Violating Conditions of Release […]
URIITAQ – CHITON KASUKUAGMEN AGKUMA, URIITARSURCIQUA. – WHEN I GO TO AKHIOK I AM GOING TO GO GET SOME BIDARKIES (CHITONS). Kodiak’s intertidal fauna include a variety of chitons, a mollusk related to clams, snails, and limpets. Chitons have eight symmetrical, overlapping shell plates that cover a soft body and a large oval foot. […]