Now that a fascistic party has won the presidency along with the Senate and apparently the House as well, the stakes for people and planet are truly beyond comprehension. A pair of quotes, separated by eight years, spotlight a chronic political mentality at the top of the Democratic Party: “The path to victory in a […]
A proposal to cover Arctic sea ice with layers of tiny hollow glass spheres about the thickness of one human hair would actually accelerate sea-ice loss and warm the climate rather than creating thick ice and lowering the temperature as proponents claim. Sea ice, by reflecting the majority of the sun’s energy back to space, […]
Anchorage, AK — Large groups of walruses have hauled out on the barrier island near the community of Point Lay and are expected to soon occupy the beaches near Cape Lisburne, Alaska. Walruses are likely to use these haulouts through October and occupy the near-shore waters as they move between haulouts and to and […]
Virtual Family Assistance Center provides resources to those struggling with loss and grief due to the pandemic ANCHORAGE, Alaska, June 8, 2020 — The American Red Cross recently launched a Virtual Family Assistance Center (VFAC) to support families struggling with loss and grief due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. People can visit to access a […]