Alaska’s support for the National Park Service’s recently proposed amendments to hunting and trapping practices on national preserves in Alaska is not about trophies. It does not concern sport or recreation. It has nothing to do with predator control. Alaska’s scale and geography are incomprehensible to most Americans. The state is enormous, largely without roads, […]
A multiyear electronic monitoring collaboration between the Alaska Fisheries Science Center and the Fisheries Information System Program is improving data collection through the development of innovative electronic monitoring technologies. The goal of the project is to automate video analysis for length measurement and species identification and to integrate electronic monitoring data into overall catch accounting. Gathering crucial […]
The North Pacific Fishery Management Council has ruled that when halibut harvested using sport guide services possessed with halibut not using sport guide services in Southeast and Southcentral Alaska that all the fish are subject to guided sport fishing limits. The final action came during the spring meeting of the council this past week in […]
(Kotzebue) — After more than a decade of decline, Alaska’s largest caribou herd is showing signs of growth. Counts of the Western Arctic caribou herd completed recently from aerial photographs taken during last summer’s photo census tallied 239,055 animals, raising the total herd estimate to 259,000. That’s up from 201,000 caribou a year ago. Alaska […]